Josh and Courtney’s Letter


Thank you for getting to know us!  We hope to meet you, and we have been praying for you for a long time.

We are Josh and Courtney (and Bandit).  We are so grateful to you for loving your child so much that you are willing to consider adoption for him or her.  We have been praying that you will have peace, comfort, and wisdom as you make these hard decisions for you and your precious baby.  We admire your courage, and we are also praying that you have love and support while you are making these decisions.

We have been married since 2012.  We met each other in college at Harding University in Arkansas.  The two of us love to travel and try new coffee shops.  We also both love studying history and reading.  Courtney likes to cross stitch, and she has made Christmas stockings for herself, Josh, and her new niece.  She is currently working on a Christmas stocking for our new family member!  Josh likes to work out, play video games with his friends, and try out new recipes on his grill.  We like to play board games together and make each other laugh.

We do not have any kids yet, and we are so ready to add to our family!  We tried to have kids for three years, and then we both came to the realization separately that God was calling us to adopt.  Adoption is not new to either of us; Courtney’s dad and two cousins were adopted, and Josh has several cousins who were adopted as well.  We are both the oldest of three kids.  Josh has a younger brother (Jake, married to Moriah) and sister (Amy, married to Greg), and he is from Ohio, where his parents still live with his Mamaw.  Courtney has two younger sisters (Rachel, married to Austin, and Hannah), and she is from Texas.  Through a series of crazy events, we ended up buying the house behind Courtney’s parents’ home where she grew up.  We share a back fence, and we very quickly put a gate in the fence so we could visit with each other whenever we wanted.  When Courtney’s parents put in a pool, this became an even bigger treat during the summer!  We are extremely close with our families–our families, our faith, and our church family are among the most important things in our lives.  Our family and friends are so excited for us and supportive of us as we pursue adoption, and they can’t wait to welcome new members to our family, too!

Josh is the youth minister at our church, and Courtney is a high school history and government teacher at the school connected to our church.  A few years ago, the school asked Josh to teach 6th grade Boys Bible Class, so he teaches in the classroom next to Courtney three days a week.  While neither one of us will be able to stay at home full time during the school year, Josh has a very flexible schedule that will allow him to be at home or bring a child to work.  Courtney’s mom is already planning to provide some childcare during the week, too!

As you consider all of your options, we pray for your heart to have peace in your decision.  We are continuing to pray for you, and we hope to meet you!

Yours Truly,
Josh, Courtney, and Bandit

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