Foster Care

Foster Care is for children who have been temporarily removed from their home and family by the State. In most instances, Christian Homes & Family Services provides foster care to protect the children while the State is allowing the parents an opportunity to resolve issues of alcohol or substance abuse, neglect, or unemployment. Almost always, the State’s goal is for the child to return to the biological family.

Loving, Christian foster parents are perhaps society’s most pressing need. Families willing to provide care for children of all ages are needed. Families willing to foster children seven years old and older are in greatest demand.

To comply with State regulations, Christian Homes may only provide foster care for children in the conservatorship of the State in two regions: the Tyler area in East Texas, and the Abilene area in central West Texas.

While providing care, foster parents receive a daily reimbursement from Christian Homes to offset the expenses of caring for the child. Counseling and medical care are also provided for the child.

Families whose goal is to adopt a child should consider the Foster-to-Adopt or Infant Adoption program.

To be considered for foster parenthood, contact Christian Homes at (800) 592-4725 or email

Click here to learn more about the steps to becoming foster parents.