Cody and Hannah

We have struggled with infertility for four years and have looked at many options when it came to having children. Nothing we ever tried seemed to work and we often wondered what are we doing wrong? Out of all the options we looked into or tried nothing worked no matter how much we prayed for it, finally we stopped trying to do things “our way” and leaned fully on God. When people say he works in mysterious ways he really does, we were recommended Christian Homes by a co-worker and everything just clicked. All the processes before just didn’t feel right but everything about Christian homes felt easy and we felt a peace that we hadn’t felt in years. God had truly answered our prayers and we feel so blessed to be exactly where he wants us to be. Cody is a registered nurse and works on the pediatric floor at a hospital. Hannah is a bank teller and works in a rural town. We live in a small community and have wonderful neighbors and a calm and relaxing neighborhood. We live in a three bedroom home with a large yard we share with our two dogs, Mika and Ranger, and our loving cat Logan. More than anything we want to share all we have with your child and create a family.

Read Their Letter

Basic Information

Name:  Cody
Age:  27
Education:  Bachelors
Profession:  RN/BSN
Personality Traits:  Kind, laid back, social, open minded
Race/Ethnicity:  Caucasian
Religion:  Baptist – Christian
Hobbies & Interests:  Camping, fishing, sports, hunting, videogames

Name:  Hannah
Age:  27
Education:  High School Graduate
Profession:  Bank- Teller
Personality Traits:  Kind, caring, organized
Race/Ethnicity:  Caucasian
Religion:  Baptist – Christian
Hobbies & Interests:  Cooking, cleaning, baking, gardening, crafts/diy

More Information about Our Family

Married:  6 yrs
Residence:  3 bedroom siding home with large yard
State:   Texas
Neighborhood:  Rural
Other Children:  None