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so Children will have a
Christian Home
Dear Birth Mother,
What a joy it is to write you this letter. We are so honored that you would take the time to read a little about our family and are so very grateful for the choice you are making.
We are Katie and Joshua McLemore and we live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We were married in 2011 and have an adopted son, Carson, and two dogs, Sam and Poppy.
We met on eHarmony in the summer of 2009. Katie was finishing up her degree at Texas Woman’s University in Denton while Josh was working and finishing his degree in Amarillo. So we were six hours apart but absolutely fell in love with each other. There were lots of phone calls and visits, but after a few months Katie moved up to Amarillo. A couple of years later, we married and moved to the DFW area.
So, why adoption for us? During our many phone conversations early in our relationship, we talked many times about adoption. You see, Katie was born with Congenital Heart Disease and has had many surgeries. While Katie’s health is excellent, her history of heart disease led doctors to inform us that it would be very risky for us to have biological children. When we were told this, we looked to the Lord for what we should do and He was faithful to tell us; we believe we have been called by God to adopt our children.
While we love spending time together, our personalities are a bit different from one another. Katie likes to dance and sing but doesn’t have any rhythm while Josh does not sing and dance but played drums and has great rhythm. Katie is very social while Josh tends to keep to himself, unless he gets to know you. Then he’ll talk your ear off. We love spending time together playing games with friends, going to movies, and so on.
We were so unbelievably blessed to adopt our first child, Carson, from Christian Homes back in 2015. He was born very premature (at 24 weeks) and so we spent the first few months with him in the hospital. But he is doing great and is a wonderful little man. And he is excited to be a big brother.
Josh works for the American Heart Association in Dallas as a digital marketer and fundraiser. And Katie stays home with Carson and coaches people in health and nutrition. And we, as a family, serve as the leaders of our foster/adoption ministry at our church in Argyle, Texas. We find so much joy in helping other people by serving our family, friends, co-workers, church and community around us.
We know that this decision you are making has to be one of the hardest you have ever had to make. Please know that you are doing a good thing and we truly believe that no matter whom you pick, your child is gong to be very well taken care of. We certainly hope you’ll choose us, and if you do please know that we promise to raise your child up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, love your child with all our hearts and teach them all we know.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know our little family. We have been and continue to pray for you and the future of your child.
Joshua and Katie McLemore
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