Trevor and AnnaBeth’s Letter

Dear Birth Mother,

We are honored you are considering us to love your baby. We, along with our friends and families, have been praying for you to be comforted and have strength. We know you love your baby and are deciding on the best choice for their life. Thank you for being brave and considering adoption.

We are Trevor and AnnaBeth. We met while taking ministry classes in college, dated, and were married in July 2016. Early on in our relationship we talked about adoption. We had planned on adopting after we had children, but biological children have not been part of our story.

We have struggled with infertility for 5 years and have been unable to become pregnant. There is no reason why we cannot conceive a child. Although it has been a hard road we believe God has been preparing us for adoption by putting it on our hearts early on in our relationship. We are excited and hopeful for the child God will bring us.

Trevor is a preaching minister and AnnaBeth is currently a student advisor at the local community college. Our goal as a couple is for her to be a stay at home mom. We have lived in Oklahoma, Texas, and now call New Mexico our home. We have put down roots and look forward to New Mexico being home indefinitely. God has been gracious to us and we are determined to follow His calling for our lives. Working as a preaching minister gives Trevor flexible time and allows him to take off and be available for any activities or events our child will have. Because he works Sundays preaching, he has Fridays off. We like to spend Fridays as family days. We have a sweet, 5.5 year old, hypoallergenic, “puppy,” named Dwight. He is great with children and loves to cuddle. We are excited to see him love this baby with us.

Our focus in life is to follow God’s will and His plan for our lives. He has taken us unique places but brought us to exactly where we need to be. God has blessed us with a great church family in New Mexico. There are quite a few people in our church who adopted children and have been adopted themselves. We are surrounded by a network of people who get it and are excited to share their experiences with this baby. We are not the only ones excited for this adventure, so many people in our corner are overflowing with joy at the hope of our adoption. This baby is not just getting two more parents who will love them, they are also going to be loved by our families and a church family who has already been praying for them.

We are praying for you!

Trevor and AnnaBeth Richt

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