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so Children will have a
Christian Home
Dear Birthmother,
First off, we cannot even begin to understand all of the emotions that you are going through. We want you to know how much we admire your strength and courage. We believe that adoption is one of the most selfless and bravest decision anyone could make, but it is also one of the hardest. Adoption has always been on Danielle’s heart and mind as she too is adopted. Danielle made contact with her birthmother in August of 2014 and has remained close with her birth family and her adoptive family ever since. Danielle has a great relationship with her birthmother, we would love to do the same for this baby, but we plan to honor the birthparents’ wishes whichever way that may be.
We met through a mutual friend in 2012. We instantly had a connection and have been together ever since. We are truly best friends and we make a great team. We have been married since April 2015. We have been through a lot in our almost 10 years of marriage but, God has always been at the center of it. We were blessed with our first son, Joshua, in March 2016. He is so smart and loving. He is the nurturing type for sure. Then again God blessed us with our second son, Ryder, September 2019. He is all boy and wild. He definitely keeps us on our toes. He also is very cuddly and loving as well. We have loved being parents to these two blessings. They are both so excited to become big brothers and add to our family.
Travis is a firefighter/paramedic and Danielle works for the family business. Both of our sons went to work with Danielle for the first year of their life where they got to hang out with Nana (Danielle’s mom) all day at the office. Most days after work when Travis is off shift, and the boys don’t have baseball games/practice, are spent cooking dinner together and then spending time with the boys watching a movie or a sports game. We both are huge sports fans! Both of our boys play sports and we love to go to college or professional games as well. Most weekends are spent at the baseball field, church and spending time with family and friends. We love to travel and make memories with family and friends! If we are on vacation, it’s probably at the beach or at Danielle’s parents’ cabin in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. No family is perfect, but there are some promises we can make to you. We promise your child will be loved endlessly and unconditionally, not only by us, but by all of our friends and family. We have a village of people ready to welcome, love on and walk beside us in raising your child. We promise that your child will be raised in a safe, loving, Christian home and help them grow in their relationship with God every day. Last, but not least, we will make sure your child knows how much he/she is loved by you. That was instilled in Danielle from birth and we will make sure we do the same for your child.
We appreciate you taking the time to read our letter and hope it brings you some peace. We pray that you find the perfect fit for you and your child, whether that be with us or another couple. We pray that the Lord blesses your life and the future for your child. We pray for you daily and will continue to. We want you to know that you are loved and worthy. We look forward to growing our family through adoption and hopefully build lifelong friends with the birthparents.
With love,
Travis and Danielle
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