Kindness and Compassion

Your kindness and compassion for innocent children who need the love of a good, Christian family is what makes Christian Homes & Family Services so successful.

Jasper is a child like this. He’s a sweet little guy, just under two years old. His eyes sparkle. His face is open and welcoming. His smile is big and broad. He also has Down syndrome. And he was born with serious health challenges.

They’re far too upsetting and far too many to discuss here. Let’s just say that toddlers should be running, laughing, and playing. They shouldn’t have to face what Jasper has. He’s had surgeries on his tongue, his heart, his intestines, and more.

Would he ever find a family to love him and care for him no matter what? Of course he would. And it’s because of your kindness and compassion.

The Hathorn family has an unlimited amount of love to give to children. They’ve already adopted three kids: Jentry, Jay, and Joey. They’re a big, happy family. But not big enough.

At their church, a boy with Down syndrome helps John lead praise and worship. John and Jane realized this was God putting it on their hearts to adopt a child with Down syndrome. That’s how Jasper came into their lives. And now, despite his health challenges, Jasper is a happy, rambunctious two-year-old, surrounded with love.

That’s the happiness you can create, and it’s your last chance this year to do it. Please give now at this Christmas season before the year ends on December 31. Your gift is your kindness and compassion for the preborn baby who needs and deserves a chance at life. You can save that innocent baby from the abortionist.

Your gift is your kindness and compassion for the lonely, bright-eyed child whose greatest wish is to be adopted into their forever family. You send these children into the loving arms of a mom and a dad.

Your gift is your kindness and compassion for the hurting child who needs the safe harbor of a foster family to become whole again. You help foster parents open their homes and their hearts.

So please, now is the time. Carry out one more act of kindness before December 31 to protect unborn babies and adopted and foster children. Just fill out the enclosed card and return it with your special year-end gift. Or give online at Because vulnerable unborn babies and at-risk children need us to be there for them.


P.S. The end of the year is coming up fast. When you give before December 31, you:
• Enable us to end the year strong.
• Empower us to start the new year on a high note.
• Do one more act of kindness for unborn babies, adopted children, and foster children.
• Help build more good Christian families that will strengthen our community.

You can even deduct your gift on this year’s taxes when you itemize – something many of our supporters like. Now’s the time in this glorious Christmas season to open your heart to help innocent children.